Customer Information | Shipping Address | Billing Address |
$user = App\User::findorfail($order->user_id);
if($user->country_id !=''){
$c = App\Allcountry::where('id',$user->country_id)->first()->nicename;
$s = App\Allstate::where('id',$user->state_id)->first()->name;
$ci = App\Allcity::where('id',$user->city_id)->first()->name;
{{$user->name}} {{ $user->email }} {{$user->mobile}} @if(isset($c)){{$ci}}, {{ $s }}, {{ $c }} @endif |
{{ $address->name }}, {{ $address->phone }} {{ strip_tags($address->address) }}, @php $user = App\User::findorfail($order->user_id); $c = App\Allcountry::where('id',$address->country_id)->first()->nicename; $s = App\Allstate::where('id',$address->state_id)->first()->name; $ci = App\Allcity::where('id',$address->city_id)->first()->name; @endphp{{ $ci }}, {{ $s }}, {{ $ci }} {{ $address->pin_code }} |
{{ $order->billing_address['firstname'] }}, {{ $order->billing_address['mobile'] }} {{ strip_tags($order->billing_address['address']) }}, @php $c = App\Allcountry::where('id',$order->billing_address['country_id'])->first()->nicename; $s = App\Allstate::where('id',$order->billing_address['state'])->first()->name; $ci = App\Allcity::where('id',$order->billing_address['city'])->first()->name; @endphp{{ $ci }}, {{ $s }}, {{ $ci }} {{ $order->billing_address['pincode'] }} |
Order Summary | |||
Total Qty: {{ $x->sum('qty')}} Order Total: {{ $total }} Payment Recieved: {{ ucfirst($order->payment_receive) }} |
Payment Method: {{ ucfirst($order->payment_method) }} TXN ID: {{ $order->transaction_id }} |
Order Date: {{ date('d/m/Y @ h:i a', strtotime($order->created_at)) }} |
Order Details |
Invoice No | Item Image | Item Info | Qty | Status | Pricing & TAX | Total |
{{ $inv_cus->prefix }}{{ $invoice->inv_no }}{{ $inv_cus->postfix }} | @php $orivar = App\AddSubVariant::withTrashed()->findorfail($invoice->variant_id); $i=0; $varcount = count($orivar->main_attr_value); @endphp
(@foreach($orivar->main_attr_value as $key=> $orivars)
$getattrname = App\ProductAttributes::where('id',$key)->first()->attr_name;
$getvarvalue = App\ProductValues::where('id',$orivars)->first();
@if($i < $varcount)
@if(strcasecmp($getvarvalue->unit_value, $getvarvalue->values) != 0 && $getvarvalue->unit_value != null)
@if($getvarvalue->proattr->attr_name == "Color" || $getvarvalue->proattr->attr_name == "Colour" || $getvarvalue->proattr->attr_name == "color" || $getvarvalue->proattr->attr_name == "colour")
{{ $getvarvalue->values }},
{{ $getvarvalue->values }}{{ $getvarvalue->unit_value }},
{{ $getvarvalue->values }},
@if(strcasecmp($getvarvalue->unit_value, $getvarvalue->values) != 0 && $getvarvalue->unit_value != null)
@if($getvarvalue->proattr->attr_name == "Color" || $getvarvalue->proattr->attr_name == "Colour" || $getvarvalue->proattr->attr_name == "color" || $getvarvalue->proattr->attr_name == "colour")
{{ $getvarvalue->values }}
{{ $getvarvalue->values }}{{ $getvarvalue->unit_value }}
{{ $getvarvalue->values }}
Sold By: {{$orivar->products->store->name}} Price: {{ round(($invoice->price),2) }} Tax: {{ round(($invoice->tax_amount/$invoice->qty),2) }} @if($invoice->variant->products->tax_r !='') ({{ $invoice->variant->products->tax_r.'% '.$invoice->variant->products->tax_name }} ) @endif |
{{ $invoice->qty }} | @if($invoice->status == 'delivered') {{ ucfirst($invoice->status) }} @elseif($invoice->status == 'processed') {{ ucfirst($invoice->status) }} @elseif($invoice->status == 'shipped') {{ ucfirst($invoice->status) }} @elseif($invoice->status == 'return_request') Return Request @elseif($invoice->status == 'returned') Returned @elseif($invoice->status == 'cancel_request') Cancelation Request @elseif($invoice->status == 'canceled') Canceled @else {{ ucfirst($invoice->status) }} @endif | Total Price: {{ round(($invoice->price*$invoice->qty),2) }} Total Tax: {{ round(($invoice->tax_amount),2) }} Shipping Charges: {{ round($invoice->shipping,2) }} (Price & TAX Multiplied with Quantity) |
{{ round($invoice->qty*$invoice->price+$invoice->tax_amount+$invoice->shipping,2) }}
(Incl. of TAX & Shipping) |
Handling Charge | {{ $total-$hc }} | |||||
Handling Charge | {{ round($hc,2) }} | |||||
Grand Total | {{ $total}} |