@extends("admin/layouts.master") @section('title','Import Product |') @section("body")
Import Products
Download Example For xls/csv File
{{ csrf_field() }}
@if ($errors->has('file')) {{ $errors->first('file') }} @endif


Follow the instructions carefully before importing the file.

The columns of the file should be in the following order.

Column No Column Name Description
1 Category (Required) Name of category
2 Subcategory (Required) Name of subcategory
3 Childcategory (Optional) Name of childcategory
4 Store Name (Required) Name of your store (Must created before importing).
5 Brand Name (Required) Name of your brand
6 Product Name (Required) Name of your product
7 Product Description (Optional) Detail of your product
8 Model (Optional) Model No. of your product
9 SKU (Optional) Detail of your product
10 Price In (Required) Your Product price in currency (eg. INR,USD)
11 Price (Required) Your Product price [Note: Price must entered in this format eg. 50000 (No comma and character).]
12 Offer Price [Note: Leave blank if you dont want offer price.] Your Product offer price [Note: Price must entered in this format eg. 50000 (No comma and character).]
13 Featured (Optional)

Enable or disable product is featured or not.

(Yes = 1, No = 0)

14 Status (Required)

Enable or disable product is active or not.

(Yes = 1, No = 0)

15 Tax (Required if your price is exclusive of tax)

Enable tax class name (must created before enter name here) which you created in tax classes section or else enter 0.

16 Cash on delivery (Required)

Enable cash on delivery on your product.

(Yes = 1, No = 0)

17 Free Shipping (Required)

Enable free shipping on your product.

(Yes = 1, No = 0)

18 Return Available (Required)

Enable Return available on your product.

(Yes = 1, No = 0)

19 Cancel Available (Required)

Enable Cancel available on your product.

(Yes = 1, No = 0)

20 Selling Start at (Optional)

Enable if you want to start selling your product from specific date.

(Date Format : 2019-11-12 00:00:00)

21 Warranty In (Period) (Optional)

Enter if your product have warranty else enter None.

(eg. 1)

22 Warranty in (months,year,days) (Optional)

Enable if your product have warranty else enter None.

(Available format: days,year,months)

23 Warranty type (Optional)

Enable if your product have warranty else enter None.

(Available types: Gurrantey, Warrantey)

24 Return Policy (Required if) If you set return available = 1, than enter return policy name (must created before entering name here).
25 Tax Rate (Required if) If you set tax = 0 and your price is inclusive of tax , than enter Tax rate


26 Tax name (Required if) If you set tax = 0 and your price is inclusive of tax than enter your tax name.
27 Tags (Optional) Enter product tags by putting comma to seprate tags.