@extends("admin/layouts.master") @section('title','Import Product |') @section("body")
Follow the instructions carefully before importing the file.
The columns of the file should be in the following order.
Column No | Column Name | Description |
1 | Category (Required) | Name of category |
2 | Subcategory (Required) | Name of subcategory |
3 | Childcategory (Optional) | Name of childcategory |
4 | Store Name (Required) | Name of your store (Must created before importing). |
5 | Brand Name (Required) | Name of your brand |
6 | Product Name (Required) | Name of your product |
7 | Product Description (Optional) | Detail of your product |
8 | Model (Optional) | Model No. of your product |
9 | SKU (Optional) | Detail of your product |
10 | Price In (Required) | Your Product price in currency (eg. INR,USD) |
11 | Price (Required) | Your Product price [Note: Price must entered in this format eg. 50000 (No comma and character).] |
12 | Offer Price [Note: Leave blank if you dont want offer price.] | Your Product offer price [Note: Price must entered in this format eg. 50000 (No comma and character).] |
13 | Featured (Optional) | Enable or disable product is featured or not. (Yes = 1, No = 0) |
14 | Status (Required) | Enable or disable product is active or not. (Yes = 1, No = 0) |
15 | Tax (Required if your price is exclusive of tax) | Enable tax class name (must created before enter name here) which you created in tax classes section or else enter 0. |
16 | Cash on delivery (Required) | Enable cash on delivery on your product. (Yes = 1, No = 0) |
17 | Free Shipping (Required) | Enable free shipping on your product. (Yes = 1, No = 0) |
18 | Return Available (Required) | Enable Return available on your product. (Yes = 1, No = 0) |
19 | Cancel Available (Required) | Enable Cancel available on your product. (Yes = 1, No = 0) |
20 | Selling Start at (Optional) | Enable if you want to start selling your product from specific date. (Date Format : 2019-11-12 00:00:00) |
21 | Warranty In (Period) (Optional) | Enter if your product have warranty else enter None. (eg. 1) |
22 | Warranty in (months,year,days) (Optional) | Enable if your product have warranty else enter None. (Available format: days,year,months) |
23 | Warranty type (Optional) | Enable if your product have warranty else enter None. (Available types: Gurrantey, Warrantey) |
24 | Return Policy (Required if) | If you set return available = 1, than enter return policy name (must created before entering name here). |
25 | Tax Rate (Required if) | If you set tax = 0 and your price is inclusive of tax , than enter Tax rate
eg.(18,25) |
26 | Tax name (Required if) | If you set tax = 0 and your price is inclusive of tax than enter your tax name. |
27 | Tags (Optional) | Enter product tags by putting comma to seprate tags. |